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curiousKC | Raise Your Hand if You Want to Talk About Education Learn how you can inform our journalism

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Above image credit: The pandemic has changed education. What do Kansas Citians want our team to report on next? (Adobe Stock)
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1 minute read

Over the past few months, Flatland has reported on issues folks face brought on or amplified by the pandemic. Those conversations often are lengthy and the list of concerns is endless. One topic that comes up repeatedly is the state of education, especially post-COVID. 

So that got us thinking. Why not tap that network of people to help shape education coverage in our curiousKC engagement series in the coming months? 

Below we provide two ways for you to participate. 

The first is to submit questions you have about education today and in the near future. Our team plans to report on each beginning in February or March. 

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The second is to vote on one of two questions shared by two concerned citizens, which focus on education. We’ve decided to extend this voting round through the end of January to give more folks a chance to weigh in.

This resource has been removed permanently.

In addition, Gary Brock, director of education here at Kansas City PBS, is sharing your questions and the resources the Flatland team has reported with his network of educators through his newsletter, “The Classroom,” which you can subscribe to here. 

We encourage you to share this post for others in your network to get involved. That’s what curiousKC is all about. 

Or if you have a story tip, you may reach out directly to

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