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Me, getting by LaJua Manning, home healthcare worker

woman and child
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1 minute read

LaJua Manning is a single mom who is involved with Stand Up KC, a group that protests for higher pay for low wage workers. As a certified nursing assistant, LaJua works overnight to take care of bedridden patients. Yet, she still struggles to get by.

Her $12 an hour salary keeps her constantly juggling expenses between rent, electric and water. Family helps fill in the gaps with childcare, clothes and occasionally groceries. Manning says getting by would mean more time with her daughter and a chance to be part of her community.

KCPT and the Hale Center for Journalism present “Getting By,” a series of stories and discussions examining the impact of inequality in KC, at How do you ‘get by’ in KC? You can join our discussion, here.

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One thought on “Me, getting by

  1. This is my situation however I was working for a Property Management Company making $9.50. Barely making it as well. Due to the recent veto of child care assistant program I too could bit afford to pay out of pocket for child care and had to move out of my apartment, cant work cuz I have no one to keep my son and am currently looking for overnight job. It is tough!!

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