My 5 | Chef Carlos Falcon A Peek Inside the Jarocho Kitchen

Published October 30th, 2017 at 6:00 AM
My 5 is a new series, wherein Flatland asks someone to show us five items from their life that help them do their job or tell their story. It’s a chance to learn more about the people in our community by getting a peek at what’s in their drawers, kitchens, briefcases, or desks. The series debuts with Carlos Falcon, the chef and owner at Jarocho.
1. Hat. My hat has become my symbol. Everyone thinks it’s because of where I’m from in Mexico, but I wear it because I love the circulation. I can’t wear a chef’s hat or ball cap.
2. Masamoto Fish Knife. Click. Click. Click. It’s the sound this knife makes as it cuts through every fish bone. It’s a powerful knife. I also love it because it was made especially for me. It has my name on it in Japanese.
3. Masamoto Slicer. This is a very sharp knife. I couldn’t cook without it. This knife makes a perfect cut.
4. Chop Sticks. I use chop sticks to pay homage to my Japanese wife. I practiced by picking up beans.
5. Masamoto Onion Knife. This is the best knife for cutting onions. It keeps the onion from falling apart due to the angle of the blade.
Got an idea for our next My 5? Drop us a suggestion on Twitter: @FlatlandKC.