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curiousKC | Introducing the Winner of July’s Voting Round And a look at the questions our team is investigating

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Above image credit: What you need to know for curiousKC this month. (Flatland)
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1 minute read

In July, the curiousKC voting round focused on the history of Kansas City. This question won with 37% of the votes:

“Where was Rattlebone Hollow and why was it significant within the history of Kansas City, KS?”

For the next few months, the curiousKC team will be answering the questions you all voted on this summer. As a refresher, here are the questions we’re currently working on:

  • “Before our new streetcars, we had another streetcar transit system. Urban myth is these old streetcars are still in KC. Is this true, and can we visit them?” — May winner
  • “I wonder who the Native Americans were that first lived in the KC area. What was their culture like?” — June winner

If you’re an expert or curious Kansas Citian who would like to help answer these questions or has a tip for us, reach out to community reporter Vicky Díaz-Camacho at

Stay tuned next Monday for our new voting round! 

Ask your own question here


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