Second Annual IKC event brings the Unconference to Kansas City
Published October 3rd, 2013 at 5:53 PM
Kansas City, MO – The IKC 2013 Unconference had entrepreneurs colliding Thursday inside the H&R Block world headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, but that’s actually a good thing.
The event was aiming to increase “collision density” in Kansas City – that is, the number of entrepreneurs living within an area that can connect and network with each other. Simply put – they believe the higher the collision density, the better it is for the entrepreneurial community. But the Unconference was more than that.
“We are going to break a lot of rules today” said Herb Sih, a co-founder of Think Big Partners.
To their credit, the Unconference did break the rules of conventional conferences. Typical events of this size and nature are filled with suits, ties, and lots structure – but here that was not the case. The attendees decided what the agenda was and how each session worked, and there were multiple sessions throughout the day. If the attendee was not impressed or interested they would follow the “Law of Two Feet,” where they use their feet to move to a session they liked.
This was the second annual IKC conference but the first time they used the Unconference format – whether they will use this style again, or use the Law of Two Feet, is unknown at this time.