“American Graduate: Getting To Work” With CoderDojo KC Junior Mentors Encouraging Kansas City's Next Tech Generation

Published September 5th, 2019 at 9:00 AM
CoderDojo KC not only teaches local kids how to code, but also how to mentor and encourage one another to share their stories.
“CoderDojo is a safe place for kids to learn how to code,’’ explains Founding Mentor Jacob Schwartz. “It’s a place where you can come and feel like you’re amongst your own people.”
“American Graduate: Getting to Work” is a two-year a public media initiative made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. As part of its participation in the project, Kansas City PBS is highlighting some highly regarded workforce development programs in our region. Follow #AmGradKCPT on Facebook and Twitter for local American Graduate content and #AmGrad to see content from across the United States.