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To Be Happy Education Through the Lens of Kansas City Immigrant Students

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In many ways Happy Melly is your typical middle schooler who loves to play soccer and spend time with his family. But he also speaks three languages and had to travel thousands of miles to make Kansas City his new home.

Happy Melly’s Journey to Kansas City

Happy Melly immigrated from the Congo, where he and his family lived in fear of the government. Now, he’s a thriving example to his peers. Kansas City PBS – KCPT, Kansas City

Joustin Medina hadn’t seen his father for eight years, and there were times he thought he wouldn’t make it all the way from Honduras to Kansas City. But after an exhausting journey, his entire family is together again.

Joustin Medina’s Journey to Kansas City

Joustin Medina immigrated from Hondouras. Now’ he’s reunited with his father, who he hadn’t seen in eight years. Kansas City PBS – KCPT, Kansas City

Fourteen-year-old The Blay Paw loves to eat tacos and play on her phone. It’s a different life than she was accustomed to when her family left a camp of bamboo homes in Thailand to come to the United States.

The Blay Paw’s Journey to Kansas City

The Blay Paw immigrated from Thailand. Now, when she’s not in school, she enjoys watching children’s drama, eating tacos and playing on her phone. Kansas City PBS – KCPT, Kansas City

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