1723766400 Healthcare Healthcare A New Way to Pay for Long-Term Care Insurance A suggestion for people who want the coverage but fear they can’t afford it by Richard Eisenberg
1723161600 Healthcare Healthcare The Overlooked Downsides of Aging in Place Sooner or later, you will have to hire people to cook, clean and care for you as well as maintain, repair and remodel the house by Edd and Cynthia Staton
1721347200 Sustainability Sustainability Beating the Heat: Help for Households Without Air Conditioning 'A Life-Saving Measure' by Ceilidh Kern
1719878400 Healthcare Healthcare Why Liberty Hospital Could No Longer Go it Alone and Turned to Kansas for Help The University of Kansas Health System now owns its smaller Missouri neighbor. The deal, which sparked political opposition in both states, reflects a growing trend of hospitals merging. by Suzanne King, The Beacon
1719532800 Healthcare Healthcare Plasma You Sell in East Kansas City Could End Up in Medicine an Ocean Away Kansas City plasma donors help the United States fuel a pharmaceutical industry worth $35 billion. Many donors have lower incomes and rely on on selling their plasma to make ends meet. by Suzanne King, The Beacon
1719187200 Gender Equality Gender Equality 2 Years After Missouri Banned Abortion, Navigating Access Still Involves Fear, Confusion The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to an abortion two years ago. Since then, thousands of Missourians sought other ways to access the medical procedure by Anna Spoerre, Missouri Independent
1714694400 News & Issues News & Issues More than 380,000 Sign Petition to Put Abortion Rights on Missouri Ballot Missourians for Constitutional Freedom said they collected signatures from each of Missouri’s 114 counties and eight congressional districts by Anna Spoerre, Missouri Independent
1713312000 News & Issues News & Issues Kansas City-area Politicians Pick Between War on Drugs or Treatment When Spending Opioid Settlement Cash Cities and counties in the metro are starting to spend windfalls from legal settlements with companies that made, shipped and sold opioids. While some prioritize law enforcement efforts to reduce drugs on the street, others try to attack demand by getting people into treatment. by Suzanne King, The Beacon
1712016000 News & Issues News & Issues Better Together: Kansas Workshop Connects Agencies to Rural Communities Second Rural Prosperity Event to Be Held in McPherson This Month by Cami Koons
1710288000 News & Issues News & Issues Missourians Back Initiative to Restore Abortion Rights by Small Margin, Poll Finds St. Louis University/YouGov poll finds many undecided voters as ballot campaign gathers signatures by Rudi Keller, Missouri Independent