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Calling students, teachers and parents: What questions do you have about the future of education? curiousKC focuses in on the pandemic's impact on education

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Above image credit: The pandemic has changed education. What do Kansas Citians want our team to report on next? (Adobe Stock)
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1 minute read

The pandemic has turned seemingly simple things into complicated puzzles, one of which is education. 

Whether early childhood centers, K-12 or college, school doesn’t look the same as it did back in January. Now, students “attend” class at their kitchen tables and in their bedrooms. Some students didn’t really get to finish the school year or celebrate their graduation. Hybrid and online classes now reign, leaving students who don’t have the resources to fend for themselves. 

We want to hear your questions and concerns, whether you’re an educator, student (of any age), or teacher, so we can report on the future of education. Write to us below. Our team will be in touch with you.

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