Bartle Hall Warming Shelter Seeks Volunteers, Donations

Published February 18th, 2021 at 1:15 PM
The city’s temporary overnight homeless shelter at Bartle Hall, which has hosted up to 400 people escaping the subzero cold this week, has established a web page to make it easier for those wanting to volunteer and/or make a donation.
The Scott Eicke Warming Center, named after a homeless man who died from exposure at the beginning of the year, launched the website to describe volunteer opportunities and provide a list of donations needed for those finding refuge there.
The website can be found here.
“We look forward to engaging with our community in this continued partnership with the City of Kansas City Warming Center Operators, and our community volunteers,” according to a release from the city.
“We will continue to make improvements and enhance operations to better serve our guests.”

Scott Eicke
The warming center, which opened the last weekend in January, is being described as a “historic joint effort” between the city, grassroots community organizers and local nonprofits.
It’s also receiving significant support from the Downtown Community Improvement District operated by the Downtown Council, an organization of business and property owners.
“The Warming Center is not just a place for people experiencing houselessness to sleep and eat during freezing weather,” according to the release.
“Here we create space centering the voices, power, and lived experiences of houseless people while working to end the violent cycle of houselessness.”
Donations are being accepted daily from noon to 2 p.m. at the 2100 Lobby of the Bartle Hall complex at 13th and Central streets.

Volunteers register guests at the temporary warming center at Bartle Hall. (Photo courtesy City of Kansas City)
The most recent list of priority items include: sleeping bags, thermal socks, thermal shirts and pants, insulated and waterproof boots, winter hats, heavy winter coats, men’s and women’s underwear, and backpacks.
The Eicke Warming Center is scheduled to be open through the end of March. The facility provides shelter for the homeless from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. and also provides suppers and breakfasts.