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Pirate’s Bone Dropping Anchor at New Midtown Location

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1 minute read

By Kevin Collison

Pirate’s Bone Burger is opening a second location in Midtown this week, attracted by the planned streetcar extension and the opportunity to focus on serving takeout should Covid disrupt the restaurant industry again.

“It’s been in the works for awhile,” said co-owner Zaid Consuegra. “Covid pushed us to find a non-serving environment in case it happened again. A no dine-in setting keeps our employees at ease.”

He added there will be plenty of outdoor seating when the weather is nice.

The new Pirate’s Bone opens this Wednesday at 3731 Main. It will be open Wednesdays through Sundays for breakfast and dinner. Hours are 7- to 11 a.m., and 5- to 10 p.m.

Consuegra said the hours are intended to not conflict with the original Pirate’s Bone that opened three years ago in the Crossroads at 20th and Main.

Pirate’s Bone Burger specializes in an all vegetarian approach to burgers and sides. In a previous interview, Consuegra, the chef, said a burger is more of a concept where food is served between two buns than the basic hamburger.

And while Main Street is a bit chaotic because of streetcar construction, Consuegra said it all will be good.

“It won’t be here for two years,” he said, “but the city wants Main Street to be a pedestrian environment which will be great for us.”

Pirate’s Bone will be adding some street art color to Midtown as well as vegetarian fare.

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