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curiousKC | Is Plant Diversity the Future for the Midwest? Striking a Balance With Nature

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1 minute read

Several recent curiousKC inquiries have focused on the topic of regional fruit and vegetable development. Let’s just throw in all plants for the sake of conversation.

The curiousKC team was excited to look into this topic. We quickly found some local horticulturists who are making it their mission to develop plant varieties suited for our particular environment in the Kansas City metro.

The Buffalo Seed Co. and Keith Mueller, also known as “KC Tomato”, were happy to talk about the different varieties of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and other plants that they grow. They also explained the purpose of planting multiple varieties and developing new varieties of plants that will thrive natively in this environment.

Watch the attached video to see what the plant future might look like for our region.

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