The Cost of Our Bridges | Episode 3

Published February 13th, 2017 at 6:00 AM
If you’ve ever wondered about the safety of the bridges you drive across everyday, “The Cost of Bridges | Episode 3” looks at what’s being done to preserve the life of the city’s bridges in the third of a five-part digital series looking at our city’s aging infrastructure.
Public Works? The Cost of Our Aging Infrastructure is a months-long project taking you underneath the pavement to tackle the state of our water and sewers. We track the state of highways and bridges in Kansas and Missouri. We take a closer look at our public transit system. And, perhaps most importantly, we convene policymakers and industry leaders in search of solutions.
— The five episodes of Part I, including “The Cost of Our Bridges,” will be woven together to form one larger story that runs at 7:30 p.m. on March 2 on KCPT. Find other articles on the metro’s infrastructure here, and follow the project with #KCpublicworks.