Season of Giving: The Gift of Music Band of Angels Gives Instruments to Students in Need
Published December 25th, 2019 at 6:00 AM
Above image credit: As part of this edition of '6 Days of Charity' we give you the chance to help make music education possible for all kids in the KC area. (Adobe Spark)Here at Flatland, we want to offer a gentle reminder that the holidays are a season of giving, not just receiving. So our gift to you is a daily list of sometimes-obscure local charitable organizations that could use your help. From Dec. 24 to Jan. 1, we are providing brief descriptions of deserving charities and information about how you can contribute. We know there are many wonderful local charities, so we’re also providing a list of organizations featured this year on 90.9 The Bridge’s “Give Back Friday” segments. Our hope is that the “Season of Giving” feature becomes something of a holiday tradition here at Flatland, because there are so many groups that deserve the attention, and community needs never end.
Band of Angels
Band of Angels wrote on their website: “We Believe Music is for Everyone.” The charity began in 2010 when Kansas City-based music shop Meyers Music gave a clarinet to a student in need. Almost 10 years later, Band of Angels has grown immensely, collecting instruments and donations to make music education accessible to children who can’t afford it. BOA has awarded $200,000 in scholarships, provided about 2,000 instruments to students and schools, and sent 315 students to music camp.
To Donate:
Click to go to their website. There are three ways you can help:
+ Donate an instrument at one of the three locations
+ Donate toward a scholarship
+ Attend their two annual fundraising events: the Heart Strings Gala and Art That Blows