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Plans for Hotel, Mid-Rise Apartments, Move Forward on Riverfront

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1 minute read

By Kevin Collison

A Port KC committee recommended this week the agency sell two parcels along the  downtown riverfront to developers pursuing two projects, a 120-room boutique hotel and a seven-story apartment  plan.

The developer of the five-story hotel, whose identity has not been disclosed, has been in negotiations with Port KC for almost two years.

The plan calls for a hotel that includes a full-service restaurant, potential rooftop deck, a wellness center and valet parking, according to a Port KC report.

Since negotiations began, the proposed location of the hotel has shifted to a one-acre site (Parcel 3A) east of the Union Berkley Apartments.

A boutique hotel is being proposed for Parcel 3A and a mid-rise apartment project is in the works for Parcel 12B (north side of Parcel 12) on riverfront property owned by Port KC. (Map by Port KC)

The site where the hotel originally had been proposed west of the CORE apartment project being built by Northpoint Development, 12B, is now where a mid-rise, mixed income apartment building with 200- to 250 units is now being contemplated.

The developer of the apartment project, which was described by Port KC as including ground-floor retail, two levels of structured parking and a “boutique design,” also has not been identified by the agency.

The Port KC development committee recommended the land be sold to the developers, the first step in a process that will include negotiations for tax incentives to help fund the deals and more information about the developers behind the projects.

That recommendation will now be considered by the full Port KC commission.

The Bar + Rec structure planned for the riverfront would use shipping containers as part of its construction. (Rendering from Clockwork)

Should the latest apartment proposal move forward, it would bring the total number of apartments built along the Berkley Riverfront to approximately 1,000 units since 2018.

Port KC also has attracted Bar K, a bar and cafe catering to dog owners, and is developing a new public recreation center, cafe and bar to be operated by Bar + Rec in the center of the park next to its sand volleyball courts.

The agency however, has been unsuccessful so far attracting affordable housing projects to the riverfront.

Two development proposals for affordable housing failed to move forward  after being turned down for low-income housing tax credits by a state agency in December.

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