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Big Apartment Project Proposed Near Plaza at 48th and Belleview

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2 minute read

(Updated July 7, 2020. The developer of the proposed Dylan apartment project, Action Pact Design Group, has gone out of contract for the property and the development site is back on the market for sale.

Mike Napovanice of Orion Property Group said interest has been expressed by several potential buyers, all of whom would continue pursuing an apartment project for the site. 

“We’re getting a lot of traffic on it, a lot of interest,” he said.)

By Kevin Collison

An eight-story apartment project that would replace what’s currently a half-acre stretch of empty lots on the east side of Belleview Avenue has been submitted to the City Plan Commission for review.

The 366-unit project, called The Dylan at 4711 Belleview, is being proposed by Action Pact Design Group, a development firm whose portfolio is focused on nursing homes and assisted living facilities, according to its website.

The proposed development calls for eight levels of apartments atop a four-level parking garage and 615 parking spaces, according to plans submitted to the City Planning Department in February.

It had been scheduled to be reviewed by the City Plan Commission this week, but the item was postponed until May 5 to allow the developer more time to meet with neighborhood groups, including the West Plaza Neighborhood Association.

The Dylan development would replace what’s currently vacant lots along Belleview roughly between 47th and 48th streets. (Image from City Planning Department application)

Attempts to reach representatives from Action Pact for comment were unsuccessful.

Josh Wing-Moreno, president of the West Plaza Neighborhood Association, said his group had a preliminary meeting with the developer in March.

“There haven’t been any problems on the board from what we’ve seen and heard,” he said.

“They’re trying to have something with the look and feel of the Plaza area and they’re doing their best to adhere to the Plaza Bowl overlay, not trying to do too much vertical space.”

Wing-Moreno said the West Plaza association is trying to set up a follow-up meeting with the developer and have sent Action Pact a list of follow-up questions, primarily regarding the project timetable and financing.

“We don’t have a problem with the building, it would be a nice addition,” he said.

“I do personally have a problem if they seek tax abatement financing. If so, they should have some affordable housing component as a condition”

The Dylan is being proposed by Action Pact Design Group, a firm whose background is developing senior living properties. (Image from City Planning Department application)

According to city planners, the project was first proposed in March 2017, although it was then a smaller, 167-unit apartment development. The site runs along the east side of Belleview roughly between 47th and 48th streets.

The revised project calls for apartment floors that would be wrapped around four courtyards. The plan listed the breakdown as 76 studio units, 156 one-bedroom and 132 two-bedroom.

The plan indicates a potential restaurant could be part of the development, although it notes if no restaurant is built, another 15 apartments would be added to the mix.

At this point, the city planning staff has made no recommendation on the proposal other than support delaying its consideration by the Plan Commission until the developer has briefed neighborhood groups.

The design of The Dylan development includes four interior courtyards. (Image from City Planning Department application)

So far, the developer has not applied for tax incentives to help finance the proposed project, according to Kerrie Tyndall, assistant city manager for economic development.

Tyndall however, said the type of rezoning being sought by Action Pact for its plan often is associated with projects that seek incentives.

“They are seeking UR/MPD zoning which is usually related to an incentivized project,” Tyndall said in an email.

“At this juncture it appears as if they haven’t made a specific request yet but they may be considering.”

(Editor’s note: CityScene KC is now a paid subscription publication, please consider subscribing.)

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