The Kansas City PBS documentary “Nichols’ Folly: A Century of the Country Club Plaza” explores the complicated history behind the nation’s first planned suburban shopping center. This month, “Flatland in Focus” examines the future of the Country Club Plaza and what changes are in store as new ownership is poised to begin the next chapter for the iconic shopping center as it marks a century in business.
Nichols' Folly: A Century of the Country Club Plaza
The Country Club Plaza, as it marks its centennial, is at a crossroads. J.C. Nichols' iconic district is seen both as private property and public trust.
Country Club Plaza Confronted with Dozens of Vacant Shops
Prospective new owners of the Country Club Plaza would be buying an iconic shopping district with dozens of vacancies. Some see open spaces as opportunities.
Fearful of Crime on the Country Club Plaza? Check Your Car
Conversations about the Country Club Plaza often turn to perceptions of personal safety and crime. Those perceptions aren't always accurate.
Country Club Plaza Diners Seek More Local Flavors
The prospect of new owners for the Country Club Plaza has sparked hope the iconic shopping district may soon offer more local flavor in its mix of restaurants.
Streetcar, More Housing May Help the Country Club Plaza
The KC Streetcar extension and development of more high-rise housing are widely seen as keys for supporting the Country Club Plaza.
S3 Ep. 3 - 1 minute readThe Kansas City PBS documentary “Nichols’ Folly: A Century of the Country Club Plaza” explores the complicated history behind the nation’s first planned suburban shopping center. This month, “Flatland in Focus” examines the future of the Country Club Plaza […]
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