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Home | Video Series | Work in Progress | Work in Progress | The Ceramicist

Work in Progress | The Ceramicist

Episode 1
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As a child, Angelica Sandoval associated darkness with fear and the unknown. As an adult, she taps into her love of ceramics to combat those fears.

She creates porcelain “creatures of light” as a therapeutic means to address the uncertainty she feels.

“For me, light is comfort, light is this sense of hope, light is life,” she says.

Once she pours the porcelain slip over the ceramic piece, the piece of art is out of her hands.

“I don’t even know what’s going to happen or how the light is going to emit through the pieces until the pieces are fired,” she says. “That is also part of the joy of making them; I think that leads back into accepting what’s going to happen.”

Get inside the minds of four diverse Kansas City-based artists as we explore the inner-workings of their creative souls. “Work in Progress” celebrates the process of art — its creation and its creator — rather than the finished project. Find all “Work in Progress” videos on on Wednesdays in July and online here, and watch the 30-minute film at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 9 on KCPT.

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