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Boulevardia Leaving West Bottoms for Crown Center in 2020 Kansas City's Urban Street Fest Has Been in West Bottoms Past Six Years

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Above image credit: Taps & Tastes is one of the food and drink experiences at Boulevardia. (Contributed | Boulevardia)
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1 minute read

Boulevardia, the two-day music festival and street fair that has called both the West Bottoms and the adjacent Stockyards District home for the past six years, is on the move. 

Festival organizers today announced plans to move to Crown Center, near the intersection of Pershing Road and Grand Boulevard, via social media video

Boulevardia Vice President Trever Frickey suggested the relocation, which will span throughout Crown Center and Washington Park, should re-energize the “pop-up party”, which has featured musical acts such as Fitz and the Tantrums, Tech N9ne and Guster among others.

“We are excited to bring Boulevardia to a different part of the Kansas City community for its seventh year,” Frickey said. “Each year we challenge ourselves to reimagine elements of the festival and feel confident that we can bring a fresh new flavor of Boulevardia to this venue.”

Organizers expect the festival’s multiple stages of music, along with special attractions such as the silent disco, ferris wheel and maker market shopping experience to work nicely at Crown Center, especially considering the proximity to the Crossroads, KC Streetcar and hotel accommodations.

The two-day celebration of music, beer and food scheduled for June 19-20 is currently in the booking phase. Regional and national talent, plus food and drink vendors for the festival’s popular Taps & Tastes event are to be determined.

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