SpraySeeMO Draws Global, Local Street Artists to Crossroads
Published September 3rd, 2019 at 12:15 PM
The third annual SpraySeeMO Mural Festival is returning to the Crossroads Arts District for a seven-day run beginning Sunday and is drawing street artists from around the world and country to add even more color to the walls of greater downtown.
An estimated 40 walls will be the canvases for the event, which also includes a “Secret Walls” art battle at the Percheron rooftop bar at the Crossroads Hotel and a free Birthday Bash at The Truman KC.
Organizers describe it as the “largest ever live mural painting exhibition of its kind in the city to promote and inspire artistic expression and exploration on a massive, awe-inspiring scale.”
The street artists come from as far away as Bulgaria and New Zealand and also include top names from LA, New York, Detroit, Phoenix, Seattle and Miami.
The SpraySeeMO event is being curated by Rif Raf Giraffe, one of Kansas City’s best known street muralists, and features many other local artists. A highlight video of last year’s event can be seen here.
During the festival, visitors can watch artists at work at locations all around the Crossroads as well as the West Side, near the Roasterie on Southwest Boulevard, Midtown around 31st and Main and “18th and Vine-ish” along Truman Road.
There also will be walking tours by Graffiti KC or riding tours on the Barley Bus. An exhibition opening will be held at The Cellar at Parlor, 1707 Locust, on Sept. 11 from 6- to 10 p.m.
The Secret Walls event at the Percheron will be Sept. 12 from 8- to 11 p.m. It will feature an art battle between Molly Balloons and DJ Sheppa.
According to a press release: “The battling artists are challenged with only 90 minutes to coat their white walls and are armed solely with black markers or paint…while the crowd cheers in decibels for their vote.”
The Sept. 13th free birthday bash at The Truman, which also is celebrating the venue’s second anniversary, will feature Wonderfuzz and Hi-lux.
SpraySeeMO began at The Truman in 2017 and the venue is donating its VIP lounge area to the artists and their sponsors.
While it may seem like the buildings in the Crossroads are being saturated with street art, Ami Ayers, a spokesperson for the event, said there’s room for more.
“The popularity and success of the festival has actually spurred the commissioning of more murals throughout the years, both for us and all the other local painters in town,” she said in a statement.
At the end of the festival, the SpraySeeMO board will select the top three murals/artists to share a prize money totaling $10,000.
The event is sponsored by CBD American Shaman.
“We are excited to support SpraySeeMO because it adds to the uniqueness and beauty of our city,” Vince Sanders, CBD American Shaman CEO, said in a statement.