Flatland’s Top 50 Stories From 2023: 25-21 Year in Review
Published December 28th, 2023 at 6:00 AM
Above image credit: KC Tenants Power staged a rally last Saturday before the Kansas City general election and then knocked on 3,000 doors to get out the vote for candidates that received the group's endorsement. (Zach Bauman | The Beacon)
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Flatland is taking a journey through our recent past during the holiday season, presenting 50 of our most popular, impactful or interesting stories of 2023 in chronological order between Dec. 23 and Jan. 1.
This is the sixth installment, featuring stories that first appeared between June 22 and July 11.
From June 22
From June 25
From June 27
From June 29
From July 11
Check back tomorrow for top stories from July 14 through Aug. 9.
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