Weekend Possibilities | Vaile Mansion Ghost Hunt, Live Music and Crafts at Kid’s Wonder Workshop Your Weekend Planning Begins Here
Published August 27th, 2020 at 11:15 AM
Above image credit: The Vaile Mansion in Independence, MO. (Courtesy | Vaile Victorian Society)Jazz, rock and roll and classical live music will play August out this weekend as gears shift toward cooler temperatures, ghost stories and the school year.
Friday, Aug. 28
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. For those interested in a night on the sofa, consider streaming Shadowball: The Negro Baseball Leagues, a virtual event by The Story Center at Mid-Continent Public Library. Shadowball tells the story of Negro League baseball’s rich history with period music, historical photos and, of course, engaging storytelling. The event is free.
8 p.m. – 2 a.m. Hard to believe, sure, but #SpookySeason is just around the corner. Get a jump on scaring the sense out of yourself with Vaile Mansion Ghost Hunt in Independence, 1500 N. Liberty St. Guests will enter the Vaile Mansion (if they dare) for a full night in the bowels of the ancient home, armed with state-of-the-art paranormal equipment, behind an expert guide. Tickets to secure your spot for a night in Independence’s haunted mansion are $99.
8:45 p.m. If wandering into an ancient mansion in the middle of the night sounds less than ideal, grab a picnic basket, blanket and bug spray for Friday’s Mission Outdoor Movie: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, 3503 W. 53rd St. Popcorn will be available for purchase. The only thing to be afraid of is that scene where Wonka leads the gang through the Tunnel of Terror, obviously. The event is free.
Saturday, Aug. 29
10 – 11 a.m. Crafts are cool, but not always when you have to clean them up. Send the little ones to Creative Culture KC’s Kid’s Wonder Workshop, 207 Westport Road, for an hour-long creativity release. Kids over the age of 4 are invited to learn the basics of sewing and make a pearly white pillow for the tooth fairy. Parents can either drop their child off or stay to watch. Friendly staff members will be on hand to help out. Registration is $25.
12:15 – 3:15 p.m. The American Jazz Museum, 1615 East 18th St., continues its celebration of the life and legacy of Charlie Parker with three hours of music from James Ward Band and Peter Schlamb Quintet. The Charlie Parker Centennial Mini Series is free, you just have to reserve your spot. Masks and social distancing are required.

8 p.m. Kansas City’s Opus 76 Quartet continues its march through Beethoven’s breadth of work Saturday night at The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 416 W. 12th St., with the third installment of The Kansas City Beethoven Cycle. The project took more than three years of planning and should please fans of classical music, whether your ear is fine-tuned or you’re hearing it for the very first time. Tickets are $30 and limited due to social distancing measures.
8 p.m. If rock and roll is the live music itch that needs scratching, Knuckleheads, 2715 Rochester Ave., is the move. The outdoor stage will feature a night of music courtesy of Landslide and The Who Generation, a pair of cover bands playing the music of Fleetwood Mac and The Who, respectively. Tickets for the tribute show are $15.
Sunday, Aug. 30
1 – 4 p.m. When Sunday funday rolls around, make the trip to Jowler Creek Vineyard & Winery, 16905 Jowler Creek Road in Platte City, for 70s, 80s & 90s Music Bingo. Weather permitting, bingo will be out on the patio with social distancing measures in place. There’ll be plenty of prizes, pours, slushies, sangrias and more. Be sure to check out Jowler Creek’s wine list online. Attendees must be 21 or older. Entrance is free.
2 p.m. The Jewish Community Center is set to kick off its Read + Repair book club for parents and their elementary/middle school kids. The book club will read “Kid Activists” by Allison Steinfeld and Robin Stevenson and come together on select Sundays throughout the year for themed classes and field trips related to the book. Sunday’s introductory session will be via ZOOM. The club is $54 for J Member families and $72 for guest families. Enroll by the second week of classes to ensure your family’s spot.